Do Night Shifts Cause Fibromyalgia?
Simple answer - yes, I believe night shifts could cause Fibromyalgia, to your certain degree. However, in the event you can't stop working night shifts, you will find ways which you can compensate for working nights along with the toll it could take on your body.
I also feel that all the computer work that I have always done helped creat fibromyalgia in my body, but I still work for the computer. I couldn't make a life without a computer. I love the Internet and technology. I have just had to learn to work in ways that do not cause me pain and issue.
Computer Room Air Conditioner
So, I worked night shift for five years before my diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I remember sitting about the couch and merely crying because I couldn't sleep also during the afternoon as I could at night and I was soo miserable - but I didn't feel as if I stood a choice to not work nights.
One thing I did to aid me sleep better were valerian root, blacked-out room, a fan and earplugs to relieve noise, and thought-dismissing, and relaxing stretching.
Valerian root - I would consider the full dose allowable around the bottle one hour before bed. It smells bad but works good.
I tried melatonin nevertheless it didn't seem to help me.
I would black out the space just just as much as possible with curtains and employ an aura conditioner to produce sure I was comfortable. A fan and earplugs would stop noise.
One thing that I would try so if I were working night shifts, or if I had any issues with sleeping is those nasal strips how the football players wear. I hadn't come across this idea when I was working night shifts, but a magazine I read recently says that opening in the nasal passages can cause a huge difference inside the quality of your respective sleep. It's surely worth a try.
Do Night Shifts Cause Fibromyalgia?
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