10 Different Ways to Save Electricity
Each one of us can and must put in efforts to save as much electrical energy as we can because that's the need of the hour. A great aside to this conservation of electricity is that we can save a pretty bundle on the bills too. Here, I am listing ten different ways to save electricity, all of them quite simple and imminently practicable. Try them out and see the difference they make in your next month energy bill.
Here are the different ways to save electricity.
Computer Room Air Conditioner
1. Make use of fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent ones. They can really bring your electricity bills down by 25%. These bulbs have better luminous intensities and they will not make the room temperature warm either.
2. Electronic devices, when not in use, should not be kept plugged in their sockets. All appliances should be plugged out after using them.
3. Instead of using an electric water heater, you can use a natural gas heater or simply make use of fire to boil your water.
4. While buying a new electric appliance, check its efficiency and also how much power it will consume.
5. Try to keep all your electrical appliances in good condition. Replace faulty appliances as they can consume more electricity and of course they are a risk too.
6. While cooking make use of microwaves as they cook food faster and thus save a lot of electricity.
7. You should keep the filters of your air conditioner and room heater clean. It is advisable to clean these filters at least once a month.
8. Air conditioners consume the most electricity. But you can save on this by making them work more efficiently. Do not forget to get the yearly servicing done for your air conditioner.
9. If you use a computer, replace your old monitor with a flat panel monitor. These can help save electricity.
10. Laptops save more conventional electricity compared to the normal computer. Hence you can make use of your laptops more often.
10 Different Ways to Save Electricity
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